Didsbury Medical Centre Relocation 2025
Dear patients, We want to let you know about our plans to move Didsbury Medical Centre from its current location…
Access our content in a way that suits you best. Including text-to-speech, reading and translation support.
How to make an appointment, cancelling your appointment, physio and red eye service information.
Your complete guide to conditions, symptoms, treatments
Repeat prescriptions, medication queries and local pharmacies
Find out how you can register with us and see our catchment area
Help for mental health, drugs and alcohol, smoking and other topics
If you need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request such as requesting test results.
The surgery works in partnership with local service providers and groups.
Dear patients, We want to let you know about our plans to move Didsbury Medical Centre from its current location…
Do you know the symptoms of ovarian cancer? The #ThisVanCan ovarian cancer roadshow will be visiting towns across #GreaterManchester, so…
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve added speech, reading and translation support to our website with the ReachDeck toolbar.
The ReachDeck Toolbar is part of our new accessibility software from Texthelp called ReachDeck. The Toolbar is one of three ways it’s helping us to improve digital accessibility and inclusion.
The ReachDeck Toolbar gives our website visitors a choice in how they understand our content. Helping them to interact with us independently. It’s especially useful to people who struggle with reading. Those who have a visual impairment. Or, people who prefer to read in their own language.
Give it a try! Scroll to the top of the page!
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