To schedule an urgent same-day appointment, please utilise our online platform from 7am. If you are unable to access the internet, you can call our care navigators at 0161 445 1957 from 8am. Please note that we have a limited number of appointments available each day.
This procedure applies whether you are seeking an urgent same-day appointment or a routine matter.
To ensure you receive the most suitable clinical resource, our care navigators will ask about the nature of your appointment through a triaging system developed by our doctors. You will then be booked into the most appropriate appointment for your issue or, if necessary, referred to other local services.
Our care navigators are dedicated to assisting you and will make every effort to accommodate your requests whenever possible. We prioritise continuity of care, so we strive to provide you with an appointment with your named GP or a clinician of your choice, although this may not always be feasible. We ask that you make sure you let us know your availability for the day on the request form so we can allocate you the most appropriate appointment.
When we are unable to facilitate an appointment we will try our best to allocate you with an Extended Hours appointment.
– The medical request form will close when we are unable to safely process any more requests.
– We are unable pre-book GP appointments for a different day.
– It’s important that you tell us on the request the times that you are available on the day for an appointment.
Admin Query
The admin query form is open from 7am until 5pm every working day.
These are for queries such as doctors letters, fit/sick notes, questions about referrals, prescription and test requests ONLY.
You cannot use this to request a GP appointment.
Booking nurse appointments
Please note the form below is for nurse appointments only.
If you require a GP appointment these need to be booked on the Medical Request form.
Please use the form below (request a nurse appointment form) to request an appointment for blood tests (requested by the GP), cervical screenings, injections, travel vaccinations, health checks and reviews such as asthma, COPD etc.
Please do not use the form below to request a GP appointment.
– By phone
Patients can request an appointment by calling reception when unable to use the online form. We will then fill out the form on your behalf. We can take requests over the phone from 8am until all our appointments are full.
– In person
Patients can request an appointment by calling into reception when unable to use the online form. We will then fill out the form on your behalf. We can take these requests from 8am until all our appointments are full.
– Home Visit request
If you or someone you know requires a home visit because they are housebound, please call us before 11am on 01614451957