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Didsbury Medical Centre Relocation 2025

Dear patients,

We want to let you know about our plans to move Didsbury Medical Centre from its current location to a new site in Autumn 2025.

The practice’s current premises at 645 Wilmslow Road is owned by two former GP partners who have both retired from the practice. They are selling the building, but they also wanted to make sure that patient care continues until the move takes place, so only our landlord is changing until we’re ready to move.

We have known for many years that we have outgrown our current location, which is why we’re excited to share with you that the practice will be moving to a new purpose-built surgery, Didsbury Point in West Didsbury in Autumn 2025, which will provide modern and accessible facilities for all our patients.

We have been speaking with our practice patient participation group (a group of patients who provide us with feedback on our service) for some years about the possibility of moving to alternative, modern premises. Patient care is at the centre of what we do, and we hope you’ll love this new site as much as we do.

Didsbury Point is a brand new modern location offering more clinical rooms than we currently have – so we have room to grow and can see more patients. And the best news is that it’s all on one floor, meaning it’s more accessible for everyone.

Don’t worry, you will still be cared for by the same doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff and we’ll be able to share more with you in the summer when we’re closer to moving.

We look forward to sharing this journey with you all.

Didsbury Medical Centre.