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Surgery clinics

We see the promotion and the maintenance of health as a very important aspect of the service we offer and provide the following services to help our patients.

Please telephone or enquire at reception if you want an appointment for any of the clinics.

Maternity services

The partners are all included in the Manchester Health Authority’s Obstetric List and provide maternity services alongside the hospital antenatal service.

Cervical screening

We encourage anyone with a cervix to have this simple test every three years (from ages 25-50), or every five years (ages 50-64). Appointments for cervical screening can be booked with our practice nurse.

Child health programme

The care given to your child in the first five years of life is important for the future. We wish to work in partnership with you to protect your child from disease and promote good health for life.

We are also able to treat any health problems that may arise, in the full knowledge of your family’s health and medical history. You will be automatically notified by the Health Authority when your child’s immunisations are due.

NHS health checks

This clinic is run by our health nursing team and offer screening for heart disease and advice and support for you about improving your health and preventing disease.

Asthma and COPD clinics

These clinics aim to help people with asthma and COPD to understand and manage their condition so that they can maintain the best possible health.

Diabetic clinic

This clinic offers patients with diabetes the opportunity to have regular specialist medical and nursing care.

Travel advice

Advice, information, vaccination and services are provided to help you maintain your health and prevent disease while travelling.

There is a charge for most of the vaccinations which should be paid prior to receiving the vaccinations.

Non-NHS services

A fee is payable for all non-NHS work. Examples of these include medical examinations for travel, sport or employment, medical reports for insurance companies or solicitors and all private letters.

All non-NHS services are completed at the doctor’s discretion and the fee must be paid in full prior to the completion of any certificates, reports or letters.


We offer a full range of immunisations to help protect our patients from disease.

Family planning

We provide a comprehensive range of family planning services. The pill and general advice on contraceptives may be obtained from any of the doctors.

Patients wishing to have a contraceptive coil or implant fitted should make an initial appointment with Dr Barsoum to discuss this further.

Minor surgery

We undertake a range of minor surgical operations here at the centre that you may be referred to by any of the doctors.

We aim to provide a convenient service without the need to have to travel to hospital.

Services for patients over 75

We offer all our patients aged 75 and over the opportunity to have an annual health assessment at home or at the centre.

Breast services and advice

Breast Self Examination

Most breast lumps are discovered by the patient themselves. If you need any advice please contact the practice.

Mammograms (X-ray of Breasts)

Women aged 50 to 70 years are advised to have a mammogram every three years. Very early cancers can be detected by mammogram.

Bowel cancer screening

All men and women aged 60 to 74 who are registered with a GP in England are automatically sent a bowel cancer screening kit every 2 years