LGBT Foundation
LGBT Foundation’s helpline is open weekdays from 09:00 until 21:00 and weekends from 10:00 until 18:00. A full list of services (Greater Manchester only) can be found on their website. These services include:
Domestic Abuse support
Helpline and email support
Talking Therapies – including self-referral forms
Substance Misuse
Social and support groups
Helpline: 0345 330 30 30
Email: helpline@lgbtfoundationAfrican Rainbow Family
Support for LGBTIQ people of African Heritage.
Website: www.africanrainbowfamily.orgAlbert Kennedy Trust
Voluntary organisation serving LGBT young people who are homeless, living in a hostile environment or in housing crisis.
Website: Gender Service
Greater Manchester based NHS adult gender service.
Website: www.indigogenderservice.ukGALOP
An anti-violence LGBT organisation that provides support for domestic violence, sexual violence and hate crimes. Also runs the National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline.
Helpline: 0800 999 5428
Website: Consortium
A national specialist infrastructure and membership organisation of LGBT groups. The members directory on the website links to a wide range of national organisations and groups.
Website: www.consortium.lgbtKeshet
Support for Jewish LGBT people and their families.
Website: www.keshetuk.orgThe Proud Trust
Greater Manchester based organisation for LGBT children and young people.
Website: www.theproudtrust.orgMermaids
Support for gender-diverse children, young people and their families.
Website: Recovery Village
Teen substance abuse and teen addiction have been long-standing concerns. Studies have shown that LGBTQ youth are at an increased risk for substance abuse compared to their non-LGBTQ peers. It is important to understand the underlying causes of this increased risk of substance use to help with intervention and prevention strategies.
LGBT rights charity.
Website: Migration
Supports LGBT people through the asylum and immigration system.
Website: Rainbow Migration